Friday, April 29, 2016

How do you control who can see my email address on my profile?

How do I control who can see my email address on my profile?

Your email address has both a privacy setting (that controls who you share it with) and a setting that controls whether it shows on your profile or not. For example, you can choose to show your email address on your profile, but set its privacy to Friends, so your email is shared on your profile and other places on Facebook with your friends.
To adjust who you share your email address with and decide if it shows on your profile:
  1. Click About at the top of your profile
  2. Click Contact and Basic Info
  3. Hover over your email address and click the audience selector to the right of your email address
  4. Select Shown on Timeline or  Hidden from Timeline
Note: When you hide your email on your profile, the people you share it with can still access your email address elsewhere such as in search and other places on Facebook.

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